Our Mission

To Transform ordinary men into Alpha Males We Call Ace Men!

To Achieve This Transformation, we have partnered up with talented individuals and designed STEP BY STEP Digital Course.  Ace Man Choose There Own Destiny, We Only Provide The Tools They Develop a Sold Internal Core, Both Mentally And Physical.  With One Transformation At  A Time, Ace Man being to turn their Thoughts INTO Action, Dreams INTO Realities, Shaping Their Destiny with Total Self Control… Read On To Learn More…

change, new beginning, renewal

Extraordinary Lesson

Extraordinary Experiences

a wise father, while Raising his son, decided to tell a story that would change his entire life for ever…

a wealthy man would go out fishing every sunday.  on the way back he would always give a fish to a poor man sitting out on the boardwalk.  this would continue for many many years.  one day as the rich man was making his way to the shore line, he noticed the poor man was not at his usual spot.  wondering if something had happened, as the beach chair was there and the old torn raggedy clothing on the seat of the chair was there too.  not paying much attention, the man went about his way.  

on the way back, sailing unto the shore line he noticed the poor man with 2 chests next to him, dancing and cheering;” I’m Rich I’m Rich…” once at he shore the rich man walked over to see for him self what all the commotion was about.  The previously poor man, explained that he noticed something shine in the water by the border, so he jumped into the water only to swim deep into the water to bring up his new found wealth.  looking on to the water, the rich fisherman saw something shine, got all excited and jumped into the water to get his share of wealth.  

However, he was so tired from his fishing voyage and the water was so cold, he never made it back up and died.  Up in heaven he begins to complain…”Excuse me, all my life i went fishing and would always do a good deed to give that poor man on the bay, and why was i not merited to be saved while the poor man who is weak was”!

Heaven ruling responds, all your risky journeys You returned safely however, you would only give the man 1 fish, which feed him for a day.  he other wise would go hungry for most of the week, beyond a few scraps here and there… just to keep himself alive.  

Why in the World would you not teach him to fish, so that he would have had food for all his life!!!


The Father told his son 

“you see Boy: The Moral of the Story is Simple,

when You Give a man a Fish you feed him for a day

When you Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime”.

That Father was Mr.Aces Dad!

Welcome To Ace Man University: 

Where we teach how to Fish and become able to grow by your self for a life time


Our Core Goals

The Best Way To Predict Your Own Destiny Is To Create It Your Self!